A schoolmates came and find me few months ago and told me about her dream to write a book about other schoolmates whom ventured to business.
She had been a writer since in secondary school and still a writer till today.
Since I just start off with my business and been aggressively promoting it at our Secondary school page, hence she is asking me about the business and share with me her dream.
Guess everyone had a dream and hope can fulfill the dream.
I'm also in the process of fulfilling my dream and hope the dream can be success too.
Since I can be a little help in her dream , I don't mind to help to make her dream come true.
It is great to see the schoolmates.
To be honest, I'm not a social person when I'm studying as I got my objectives to achieve that time.
To be honest, I'm a friend chooser. I choose only sincere friends and quality friends.
To be honest, I do felt regret with the social network I had was so limited and realized I don't have much friends to hang around.
Any how I'm still blessed with the friends I had around me. Though the quantity is not there but at least there is still quality.
We met earlier, during January. That time basically on photo shooting and also pre visit to the shop. Wai Chee (writer) & Soo Chia (photographer) came to the shop and have some short chat.
That time really just started the business. Still nervous and excited about the business. Below is some of the great picture took by Soo Chia.
After few rescheduling of time, finally the interview time arrived on 17 Mac 2013.
An appointment I almost forgot. :p (I'm getting very forgetful)
Wai Chee come together with Roznah, a schoolmate whom I can't even remember I had been same class with her when I'm in Form 1 (felt so sorry for that)
There are few questions being brought up which really make me think hard.
Not really hard questions. Merely simple questions but to answer it, it is hard.
Few questions asked which really imprint to my mind:
Q1: What habit you still have since young?
A1: Determined
Q2: What is the most memorable childhood you had?
A2: So shame to admit, there is none
Q3: What is the favorite subject in secondary?
A3: Biology and History
Q4: Do you agree with the school slogan of "Ilmu & Persahabatan"?
A4: Totally agreed as from there I got my knowledge and found my BFF
These final two questions really caught me speechless and thoughtless for few minutes.
Q5: How others schoolmate remember you as?
A5 after pausing for few minutes, I answer: How people remember me as is dependent on their perception and each people definitely have different perception on me. For me, it really doesn't matter if I was being remembered or not. All the things I done is merely for my own recognition.
Q6: Find a word to describe yourself?
A6: I got no answer for these after pausing for few minutes.
Even now, I still don't have the answer.
I never thought of this and never know that I can describe myself with a word.
And I think I won't have answer for that questions too...
Exploring Perth and Swan Valley
10 months ago
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