
Sunday, November 20, 2011

Life after divorce

There is a lot plan need to be execute. But first of all, I really need a job. Been hanging around like this for a month and is really my time to get income. No Money No Talk. Is not that all this while I'm dependent on him for my income. Is that because of him, I had to left my career in a field that I had built over 8 years. We are in same company and this field had a lots of our memories. Too many that I can't afford to keep it to stay on and occur in my life again and again whenever I'm doing my work. I know is kinda of waste. But I got no choice. I need new environment and a new life. In this 8 years, I had been filling my life with him. Nothing without him. Every action or plan I had, I had to put him into priority before I do anything. Now, I'm back to single. I gotta plan my own future ahead. A future with me and my Kimi alone. No one to be dependent on. A lot of shuffling in my life.

First of all, I need a new job to sustain my life expenses. Then I can go for my grooming course with loan money from my dad. After everything can be settle down, my plan for MBA course in maybe half a year time. And not to forget, my own properties. I had to plan for it too. Plan by my own. I will never know if I can meet someone special again or not. Someone whom will love me wholly and provide a place for me to be dependent on or not but definitely, at this moment, I need to be independent. Need to stand up on my own no matter what obstacle I had in future, I know I had to face it by myself, all alone.

My Plan
1. To Start work by Dec
2. To start grooming class on weekend by Dec
3. To Start MBA course by Mid of Next Year

This part of the plan. I will keep on adding once I got income!



Monday, October 10, 2011


已接近两个星期我做了决定离开我们的家。 这个痛就如在我心上用了很多的刀割伤。让我透不过气。很痛。。。真的很痛。。。不知多少的眼泪就将流。。。流到我的眼睛再忍受不了那个痛。有没有的回头?我也不清楚。我也很累。 再这样下去, 我不懂能承多久。 好不舍得就把这八年的感情就这样结束。 可是若你还不发觉问题不只是我身上而已,我也无法再继续下去。
到今天为止, 你还是觉得问题在我身上。我好累,也很想你。可是你没有让我感觉到你也需要我。你让我觉得有没有我你也好无所谓。 我好笨。 这感觉早在八年前也有了。为什么我现在才清醒。为什么老天爷不让我早醒。 让我已把这感情变了习惯而才叫我醒来。为什么我感觉到好像再自找自受?难道我真的不值得你留念?我在你心目中占了你心多少分量?我还是很痛。很希望我永远都不会醒过来。
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