There is a lot plan need to be execute. But first of all, I really need a job. Been hanging around like this for a month and is really my time to get income. No Money No Talk. Is not that all this while I'm dependent on him for my income. Is that because of him, I had to left my career in a field that I had built over 8 years. We are in same company and this field had a lots of our memories. Too many that I can't afford to keep it to stay on and occur in my life again and again whenever I'm doing my work. I know is kinda of waste. But I got no choice. I need new environment and a new life. In this 8 years, I had been filling my life with him. Nothing without him. Every action or plan I had, I had to put him into priority before I do anything. Now, I'm back to single. I gotta plan my own future ahead. A future with me and my Kimi alone. No one to be dependent on. A lot of shuffling in my life.
First of all, I need a new job to sustain my life expenses. Then I can go for my grooming course with loan money from my dad. After everything can be settle down, my plan for MBA course in maybe half a year time. And not to forget, my own properties. I had to plan for it too. Plan by my own. I will never know if I can meet someone special again or not. Someone whom will love me wholly and provide a place for me to be dependent on or not but definitely, at this moment, I need to be independent. Need to stand up on my own no matter what obstacle I had in future, I know I had to face it by myself, all alone.
My Plan
1. To Start work by Dec
2. To start grooming class on weekend by Dec
3. To Start MBA course by Mid of Next Year
This part of the plan. I will keep on adding once I got income!
Exploring Perth and Swan Valley
10 months ago
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